Monday, November 7, 2016

A Message from The Rabbi about Election Fears

Before panicking at the all the horrible things that might happen if the candidate you're afraid of gets elected, remember that G-d can work his plan through any candidate. As the oft-quoted Jewish proverb goes: "לב מלכים ושרים ביד ה -- The hearts of kings and officials are in the hand of G-d."

Go out and vote your conscience, and then relax knowing that there's a G-d watching over us, as King David wrote: "הנה, לא ינום ולא יישן שומר ישראל -- Behold, the Guardian of Israel (i.e. G-d) does not slumber nor sleep."

So take a deep breath and relax, as my father expounds: "ה' לי ולא אירא -- if Hashem (G-d) is controlling the entire universe, why should I be afraid?!"

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